Climate Estimates and Plant-Climate Relationships
Current Climate Data

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Spatial Extents

Choose one:

Spacial Extent Latitude/Longitude
Mexico longitude -118 to -74 and latitude 13.9 to 33 degrees
westNA longitude -177 to -97 and latitude 25 to 79 degrees
allNA longitude -177 to -52 and latitude 13.9 to 80 degrees


All North America

Station Normals


Derived Grids

The derived grids are Asciigrid files for the derived variables with each pixel representing an area about 800 (depending on latitude) by 1000 meters (30 arc seconds, 0.0083333333 arc degrees). We call these 1K resolution maps. The images were made using 10K data, but to be clear, the zip files at 1K resolution.

NOTE: All temperatures are in tenths of degrees C.

Notice: see New Algorithms Used For Some Derived Variables

Julian date the sum of degree-days >5 degrees C reaches 100

Degree-days <0 degrees C (based on mean monthly temperature)

Degree-days >5 degrees C (based on mean monthly temperature)

Julian date of the first freezing date of autumn

Degree-days >5 degrees C accumulating within the frost-free period

Growing season precipitation, April to September

Degree-days <0 degrees C (based on mean minimum monthly temperature)

Julian date of the last freezing date of spring

Summer precipitation: (jul+aug)

Summer precipitation balance: (jul+aug+sep)/(apr+may+jun)

Summer/Spring precipitation balance: (jul+aug)/(apr+may)

Spring precipitation: (apr+may)

Winter precipitation: (nov+dec+jan+feb)

We used many additional variables that are computed from these - good examples are:

  • ADI Annual dryness index, DD5/MAP or sqrt(DD5)/MAP (once named AMI annual moisture index)
  • SMI Summer dryness index, GSDD5/GSP (once named SMI, summer moisture index)
  • PRATIO Ratio of summer precipitatioin to total precipitation, GSP/MAP