For Arkansas, estimated merchantable wood volume is expected to increase from 32.59 billion cubic-feet to 33.694 billion (a change of 3.4%), while estimated sawlog wood volume is expected to increase from 20.328 billion cubic-feet to 20.672 billion (1.7%). Estimated merchantable bole biomass is expected to increase from 603.07 million tons to 604.38 million (0.2%), while estimated stump biomass is expected to increase from 36.289 million tons to 36.509 million (0.6%), and estimated tops and limbs biomass is expected to increase from 132.66 million tons to 220.1 million (65.9%). Finally, estimated aboveground biomass is expected to increase from 840.34 million tons to 941.16 million, a change of 12%.
Figure 1: Percent difference in volume and biomass for Arkansas
The top ten species in Arkansas in terms of standing biomass are loblolly pine, white oak, shortleaf pine, post oak, sweetgum, northern red oak, southern red oak, black hickory, black oak, and water oak. These species account for 66.8% of the total aboveground biomass and 70.5% of the total merchantable volume. For merchantable wood volume, the species with the smallest percent change was sweetgum -0.3%, while the largest percent change was with black hickory 14.4%. For total aboveground biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was loblolly pine 0.7%, while the largest percent change was with black oak 28%. For sawlog wood volume, the species with the smallest percent change was southern red oak -0.5%, while the largest percent change was with black oak 14.5%. For merchantable bole biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was post oak 0%, while the largest percent change was with black hickory 12.3%. For stump wood and bark biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was sweetgum 5.8%, while the largest percent change was with southern red oak 38.5%. For top and limb biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was sweetgum 10.5%, while the largest percent change was with southern red oak 139.7%.
Figure 2: Percent difference in total aboveground biomass and merchantable volume for the top ten species in Arkansas
Figure 3: Percent difference in component biomass and volume for the top ten species in Arkansas