For Indiana, estimated merchantable wood volume is expected to increase from 11.247 billion cubic-feet to 14.393 billion (a change of 28%), while estimated sawlog wood volume is expected to increase from 7.534 billion cubic-feet to 9.6692 billion (28.3%). Estimated merchantable bole biomass is expected to increase from 208.24 million tons to 253.06 million (21.5%), while estimated stump biomass is expected to increase from 11.142 million tons to 11.742 million (5.4%), and estimated tops and limbs biomass is expected to increase from 47.18 million tons to 101.63 million (115.4%). Finally, estimated aboveground biomass is expected to increase from 270.95 million tons to 371.37 million, a change of 37.1%.

Percent difference in volume and biomass for  Indiana

Figure 1: Percent difference in volume and biomass for Indiana

Species breakdown

The top ten species in Indiana in terms of standing biomass are sugar maple, white oak, yellow- poplar, black oak, red maple, northern red oak, shagbark hickory, white ash, black cherry, and pignut hickory. These species account for 60.9% of the total aboveground biomass and 59.9% of the total merchantable volume. For merchantable wood volume, the species with the smallest percent change was red maple 21.5%, while the largest percent change was with shagbark hickory 50.6%. For total aboveground biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was white ash 15.8%, while the largest percent change was with white oak 72.8%. For sawlog wood volume, the species with the smallest percent change was red maple 14.7%, while the largest percent change was with white oak 49%. For merchantable bole biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was white ash 12.4%, while the largest percent change was with black cherry 42.5%. For stump wood and bark biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was sugar maple 0.1%, while the largest percent change was with white oak 39.3%. For top and limb biomass, the species with the smallest percent change was yellow- poplar 38.6%, while the largest percent change was with white oak 270.3%.

Percent difference in total aboveground biomass and merchantable volume for the top ten species in Indiana

Figure 2: Percent difference in total aboveground biomass and merchantable volume for the top ten species in Indiana

Percent difference in component biomass and volume for the top ten species in Indiana

Figure 3: Percent difference in component biomass and volume for the top ten species in Indiana

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